Bishop, Roy Olsen is an International Speaker, Preacher, Christian Missionary, and the Director of Apa Vie Ministries, located in Caras-Severin, Romania. Apa Vie is a center for the development of ministry leadership, preparing those inspired to spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Romania, Europe and beyond. Bronx, New York native, Roy Olsen graduated University as a scholar of Physics and Mathematics, before The Lord changed the direction of his life, leading him into ministry. Roy was the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Assembly of God Church in Pleasantville, New York for 20 years. He served as an International Missionary in Peru, Romania, Poland, Austria, France, Serbia, The Czech Republic and The British Virgin Islands. He is happily married to his beautiful wife and dearest friend, Melania Olsen. Together they are training those called into ministry to spread The Word of God throughout the world.
Read more about Roy and Melania's Journey and Apa Vie...

The Vision
The Lord gave me a vision:
I saw men in military-like camouflage garments coming from the north, crossing a river at an unseen location heading to Apa Vie. They came for a time of recovery, renewal, refreshing, and physical nourishment. These warriors were clearly motivated to return to the battle up north, however, they knew they needed recovery time first. Eventually (it seemed like a time of 3 months or so) they returned to the battle, heading north and crossing the same river at the same unseen location. There were women and children visible to us at Apa Vie, who were calling out from the other side of the river, pleading with these men in camouflage to come and help free them.

I Had A Dream
I wrote this "Dream" in 2003, before there was any "Apa Vie Ministries" but it was my guiding light as we moved forward.
I have a dream today…
A dream that every home, hamlet, and city
will have a living, life-giving church to which people can come and find God.
I have a dream that one day soon Romania will be the lighthouse God ordained it to be,
shining a beacon light north to Poland, the Netherlands and beyond to Norway and Sweden.
I dream that the light of the gospel will shine south to Turkey and then west
to Italy, Spain and over towards France.
This light will shine to Germany and eventually cover all of Europe and beyond.
Like a mighty river of life flowing from under the altar of God
it will reach the lonely, the hungry, the thirsty and the dying with the everlasting Gospel -
the rivers of living water which Jesus promised to those who believe on Him should receive.
I have a dream
that people will be filled with the Holy Spirit
and be plunged into the stream of God’s love and power.
I dream that it shall happen during my lifetime.
This is a great preparation time before the coming of the Lord in the clouds in power and glory!
I have a dream
that the wounded shall be made whole, the cripple walk again, the blind see and the deaf hear.
I dream of a band of Spirit-filled people so drunk with a passion for Christ that nothing else will matter.
They will think nothing of spending a day in prayer and intercession
when gathered at a church and then continue when at home.
I dream that
such prayer will continue in the hearts and spirits of men
that time at the altar will not differ from time in the car or on the streets of villages
or in the marketplace of life.
Do it Lord! Do it!!!
Dream with me, please!
Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above, in beauty, power and love!
Our God is an awesome God!
~ Bishop Roy Olsen