Apa Vie Ministries and Conference Center - Romania 2023
The Best is Yet to Come!

What's New
Apa Vie 2023
Dear friends... So much has changed in less than a year! Roy passed away August 11, 2022. His absence is GREATLY felt! Melania, Roy's wife, has been living at Apa Vie in Romania. She is overseeing the property with some help from a hired couple from their village of Pestere, calling on an occasional professional for help, as needed. It is Melania's and all our heart's cry that this mission, Apa Vie, that Roy started in Romania, continue by the Grace of God.
Updates will continue to be added to keep you informed, not only of our needs, but of what we've accomplished with the generosity of your help! Below are the details of what's happening now...
What's Happening Now
Supervision of Apa Vie
Since Roy's passing in August 2022, Apa Vie Ministry continues under the supervision of a board of directors which includes two experienced pastors who have been closely involved with Apa Vie over the years; Pastor T. Wayne Daniels, of Kingdom Life Church, in Chesapeake, V.A., and Pastor Terry Swiney, of Parkview Church of God, Hampton, Virginia. The board handles all business and especially the financial affairs of the ministry, including your donations. Each of these pastors has been to Apa Vie many times and is well able to coordinate with Romanian church leaders participating in the ministry. The ultimate goal is to have Apa Vie continue to function in perpetuity as a Religious Conference Center, Camp, and Retreat.

Pastor T. Wayne Daniels of Kingdom Life, VA, and Pastor Terry Swiney of Parkview Church of God, VA.
Now & The Immediate Future
Pastor Terry Swiney, accompanied by Brother Joel Beninghove, were in Romania for two weeks in January 2023. They've had a full schedule of ministering in churches throughout the area. Melania and Pastor Terry are addressing immediate business matters such as property and automobile taxes/insurance. They've been assessing the needs for repairs and maintenance of the facilities.
Late spring or early summer, they plan to get a team together to clean up, repair and do construction in preparation for summer 2023 ministry events.
Missionary Melvyn Van Horn, with his wife and daughter, plan a mission visit to Apa Vie in late May or early June.
Pastor Don Chavis, of Europe's Child Missions, Inc, who has led several amazing camps at Apa Vie, expects to return this summer! (You may remember Roy recounting how many of these children experienced salvation, Holy Spirit baptism, and a calling to deep prayer!)
Jonathan Hofflander, a retired businessman and family friend with a heart for missions, expects to gather a team to assist the repair and construction effort. He has already been at Apa Vie several times and is a great asset to the ministry.

Challenges & Opportunities
Melania is an integral part of all the ministry that takes place at Apa Vie. Each time a conference is held, it is she who coordinates the food preparation and sleeping accommodations for attendees and ministry. She is the hub for interaction between the U.S. ministry and churches in Romania, interacting with Romanian churches and the U.S. board. She is now a widow, and with Roy's passing, her income has been severely diminished. We must take care of a widow who has "washed the feet of the saints," 1 Tim 5:10.
While there is a volunteer effort to address maintenance and construction, supplies and utilities are still costly.
This is the major outreach of the ministry at Apa Vie and expenses have not diminished. In order to continue outreach, funds must continue to come in.
Tax Exempt Status and Other Legalities:
We are working on obtaining a tax-exempt status for Apa Vie Ministries, Inc. and securing all titles to property in the name of Apa Vie Ministries, Corp.

Your Donations
You can mail contributions directly to Apa Vie Corporation at:
Apa Vie Ministries, Corp.
1502 Hawick Terrace
Chesapeake, VA 23322
If you would like a tax receipt for donations, please make your check payable to Kingdom Life or pay online. Here's how:
Click here: Kingdom Life Go to: Giving, Give Online, and scroll down to Romania - Apa Vie.
You can also mail tax-deductible checks to:
Kingdom Life
1280 Bells Mill Road
Chesapeake, VA 23322
*Please make sure to designate for Apa Vie Ministries!
Church of God Missions #132-6007
*Please make sure to designate for Apa Vie Ministries!
To directly contribute to Melania's support, mail your contribution to:
Apa Vie Ministries, Corp.
1502 Hawick Terrace
Chesapeake, VA 23322
*Please make sure to designate for Melania Olsen!

Now & The Immediate Future
We thank you for all your support in the past and ask you to continue giving financially as we go through a difficult transition period. With your help, Roy's vision will remain alive and well. We will not lose sight of it. You are the means for continuation of this ministry to Romania, Europe and beyond! Most of all, please continue to pray for us. Much fruit for the Kingdom of God has already been realized - but the fields at Apa Vie are still "...white unto harvest," John 4:35.
Several Romanian Pastors shared at Roy's funeral what a great blessing he was to their people and how much they hoped and prayed Apa Vie Ministries would continue. This is our prayer as well.
We love you,
- Carol Olsen Gonyo
"The BEST is YET to Come!"
- Roy Olsen