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Apa Vie Ministries

Romania and beyond...

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Information - Inspiration - Impartation - Implementation 

Apa Vie was founded in 2004 as a "launching pad" from which ministry could flow throughout the nation of Romania and beyond.  It was created to bring the "Good News" of The Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ through the use of conferences, personal teaching, preaching in local churches and through relationships established throughout the world.


Apa Vie is a place for healing and recovery for God’s people.  It is a training ground, a place to refocus, prepare and strengthen leaders and young people that sense a call to ministry.


Our focus is in the areas of:

Leadership Development

Conflict Resolution

Identification of Giftedness

Development of Ministry Skills

Development of Evangelism Skills



Since we now have ownership of significant property and ministerial relationships, we are able to construct facilities and invite groups to attend conferences without any cost to the attendees.  In 2005, we began with 9 in attendance and now have had over seventy attending most conferences. We are still in a construction phase for our facilities to accommodate hundreds of persons.



We need to continue renovations and construction throughout the expansive property.  

Your giving helps to empower God's people to

"... Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

~ Mark 16:15

Thank you!

What's New in Romania
Christian Children's Camp, Romania
Christian Camps Romania

In Memory & Honor of Roy Olsen
December 4, 1941-August 11, 2022

On August 11th, 2022, Roy Emanuel Olsen of Apa Vie, Pestere, Romania, and Chesapeake, Virginia, entered into the Kingdom of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  After 30 years in pastoral ministry, Roy felt the Lord direct him to minister in Romania. For 20 years, he labored building Apa Vie Ministries and Conference Center, in Pestere, Romania, with the love of his life and best friend, his wife, Melania.  He taught, trained, and encouraged people through meetings, events, and youth and children's camps. Roy loved the Romanian people.  He had a heart for helping people heal emotionally and spiritually, strengthening them to fight the good fight of faith.

Roy had a noticeably strong presence when he entered a room. His smile and voice filled you with joy and put you at ease.  He was just someone you wanted to be around that brought the love of the Lord wherever he went. Roy will be missed greatly by those who knew him. Yet, knowing that he is in God's glorious presence in paradise brings comfort and peace.  Although Roy left this earth, the mission and impact through Apa Vie Ministries has not ended.  The living water of the Lord will continue to flow mightily through Apa Vie Ministries and Conference Center, utilizing those commissioned for the task.

...Read more

Apa Vie Ministries website is under construction.

We're working to get you current information on conferences, events, renovations, and construction at

Apa Vie Ministries Conference Center utilizing this website.


Keep checking back for updates on exciting new things happening at Apa Vie Ministries! See what's new now.


Give here to help with current renovations and construction. New details will be posted soon.

Thank you for your greatly needed support!

We've Come So Far...

Building, construction, and renovations have continued throughout our Apa Vie location in Romania, but there is so much more to accomplish. Check out what's new and how you can help.

Thank you, to our faithful supporters!

Your donations of time, work, and financial giving have helped us continue to reach our goals of preparing

Apa Vie Conference Center and it's property.


Your assistance also helped us reach out to the people of Romania, as well as those in Austria and Serbia.

We were able to help aid refugees from Ukraine, providing transportation from the border, shelter, and food.

Help us continue assisting in the humanitarian crisis.

God's work and compassion are never done.

Let us continue to move forward,

bringing the flow of "living water" to train, heal, and develop the hearts, minds, and spirits of the people

of Romania and beyond...

Caleb Tabernacle, Apa Vie Ministries, Romania
Apa Vie Ministries Romania
Humanitarian Crisis Assistance, Austria, Serbia, Romania
Christian Camps Romania

Those That Make a Difference

It's been quite a journey, and I'm not sure we could have done it without the commitment of the people below and countless others.  Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.  


Buying this land and renovating these buildings enables us to hold conferences and house hundreds of people, but it's not finished.  We're still in the process of strengthening structures, replacing rotting and burned wood, cleaning up the land and installing electrical.

Contact us to let us know how you'd like to help or

simply donate now!

We would love for you to be a part of what God is doing through Apa Vie Ministries.  Contact us to find out in what capacity you can be involved.


Join us on our journey to spread The Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ throughout the world, training up leaders and equipping the saints of Christ to bring HIS message throughout Romania, Europe and beyond.


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© copyright Apa Vie Ministries 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2023 created by Sharon Stafford Creative Consulting

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